Website Hosting

Dependable WordPress Hosting Services

With so much already on your plate, hosting shouldn’t be something you have to worry about. 

You rely on your website hosting service to provide security, speed, and efficiency — without the headache. Our dedicated state-of-the-art servers take the hassle of web hosting off of your plate, letting you focus on the important things.

Give Your Website a Strong Foundation

Here are some advantages of choosing Beanstalk WordPress Hosting Services:

Daily Backups

We take daily backups of your site and archive monthly backups. You never anticipate any significant problems happening to your website, but if they do occur, we can reset your website to the nearest backup. You have a safety net if you ever need it.

Dependable Site Security

We store copies of your backups on our hosting server, a separate cloud backup, and physically at our office. We consistently run server-side security scans and keep security patches up to date. Have peace of mind knowing your site is secure if anything should happen.

Dedicated State-of-the-Art Servers

Many larger hosting companies put thousands of websites on each of their servers. We limit our servers to 100 sites each, providing more power, CPU processing power, and RAM to your site. Good servers power every good website.

Enhanced Site Speed

We keep your website running quickly and efficiently while preserving uptime. Our Content Delivery Network (CDN) allows portions of your website to be cached and dramatically improves your site’s page speed.

Superior Service

Access our team of expert developers, designers, webmasters, and marketers. We provide support and consulting in your monthly block of time to meet your needs.

Competitive Pricing

You can easily spend more money than expected buying shared hosting, backups, an SSL Certificate, and more. Our website hosting services bundle these costs into one competitive monthly price.

Powerful website hosting services ensure that your website performs its best when you are getting the most traffic. Stay confident, knowing that you will never lose potential leads to downtime or a slow site.

Our Hosting & Maintenance Plans

Keep Things Simple with Beanstalk Hosting

Between plugin, theme, and core updates, there is a lot to keep track of with website hosting and maintenance. We get it; mistakes can happen. So keep things simple, and leave it in our expert hands. 

Our plans come with built-in monthly updates and automated performance checks. We will ensure your website is up to date and operating smoothly, so you can focus on the things that matter.

Other hosting companies provide user-friendly hosting. We don’t. We provide hosting and maintenance plans you never have to think about. 

Let’s find a hosting and maintenance plan to help you reach your business goals.